October 01, 2009

The Basic of Debating

What is debating?
Debating is about how we think, not what we think. Debating is not about that we are right and someone else is wrong. We should realize and keep in mind that whatever your beliefs and convictions may be, there always be people who have different opinions.

Teams in a debate
A debate is held between two teams of three each. These two teams will be referred to as the affirmative and the negative. Members of each them are assigned positions as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd speakers. For each debate, a motion is given. After the motion given, teams are given thirty minutes to prepare for each debate.

Each of the speakers will deliver a substantial speech in seven minutes duration and either the 1st and the 2nd speaker on both sides will deliver the replay speeches for their teams. Replay speeches will be five minutes.

What must both sides do?
In general:
1. Affirmative (also known as "the government")
The affirmative team must define the motion and support this by giving constructive arguments. The right to    define first resides with the affirmative team, who is expected to give a reasonable definition for the motion.

2. Negative ( also known as "the opposition")
The negative team must oppose the motion as defined by the affirmative, and built a counter-case against the affirmative. In the event the Negative teams feels that definition is invalid, they may challenge the definition and propose an alternative definition. However, the Negative team can not raise a challenge simply on the basis that their definition is more reasonable.


Also known as topic, are full proportional statement that determine what a debate shall be about. In this debate, the affirmative team must argue to defend the propositional statement of the motion, and the negative team must argue to oppose it.

Terms in debating
  • Definition: before a debate ensues, the motion that is given must first be defined by the affirmative team. A definition clarifies the motion, gives a clear description of boundaries to the motion.tand
  • Theme line : The main instrument of argument that is used to prove a team's stand on the motion. It is concisely explains a team's strategy in defending or negating the motion. It is the main idea that links together the first, second, and third speakers, ensuring consistency among all speeches.
  • Team Split : The distribution of argument to the first, second, and third speaker.
  • Arguments : The process of explaining why a point of view should be accepted. It concerns the logic and the evidence supporting a particular conclusion.
  • Rebuttal : The process of proving that the opposing team's arguments should be accorded less weight than is claimed for them.
Content credit: Mr. Nugraha, STBA LIA Yogyakarta
Image credit: kmti.unikom.ac.id

Ditulis Oleh : Lilik Wijayawati // 12:00 AM

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